在1895年Roentgen发现X线以前,人们就了解某些工矿工人的肺癌患病率特别高。到20世纪初期,在法国Schneeberg和捷克Joachin stahl两矿死亡的矿工中,肺癌占了40~50%,每年有1%的矿工死于肺癌,比当时英国肺癌的发病率高10倍。在JachymorBohemia矿,从1939年至1943年的4年中,因患肺癌接受補助费的矿工共180人,超过了前10年所雇用矿工的半数;后来测得这些矿井空气中含氡(Rn)的浓度平均为3×10~(-12)Ci/cc.,每天每人吸入约0.2Rad。1910年,Clunet(法)用X线反复照射诱发了
Before Roentgen discovered the X-ray in 1895, people knew that certain industrial and mining workers had a particularly high prevalence of lung cancer. By the early 20th century, lung cancer accounted for 40 to 50% of the miners killed in the mines of Schneeberg and Czech Joachin stahl in France. Every year, 1% of miners died of lung cancer, which is 10 times higher than the incidence of lung cancer in the UK. In the Jachymor Bohemia mine, during the four years from 1939 to 1943, 180 miners received subsidies for lung cancer, more than half of the miners employed in the previous 10 years; they later measured radon in the air of these mines (Rn). The average concentration is 3×10-12Ci/cc. The inhalation is about 0.2Rad per person per day. In 1910, Clunet (France) was induced by X-ray repeated irradiation.