里下河腹部地区位于苏北灌溉总渠与通扬公路之间,西起里运河东堤,东至通榆河。涉及淮阴、盐城、扬州、南通四个市的13个县(市、区),总面积11665平方公里,其中湖荡面积992.6平方公里,耕地954.6万亩。该区是个四周高中间低的碟形洼地,四周高地真高3~5米,局部达7米;中间低地一般真高2米左右,湖荡是洼中之洼,真高0~1米,这里沟河纵横交错,湖泊星罗棋布,既是天然滞蓄水库,又是开发自然资源的宝库。 1986年,江苏省政府批准实施的《里下河地区农业资源综合开发规划》中,确定了“服从防洪滞涝,积极开发利用”的原则,资源开发与滞涝关系有所改善。但是,1965年以来未发生过大水,因此存在着重资源开发而忽视湖荡滞涝作用的情况。为此,我们认为有必要对湖荡资源开发与滞涝的关系进行一些探讨。一、问题的提出
Lixiahe belly area is located between Northern Jiangsu irrigation canal and Tongyang Road, west of the canal in the east embankment, east of Tongyu River. Involving Huaiyin, Yancheng, Yangzhou, Nantong four cities in 13 counties (cities, districts), with a total area of 11,665 square kilometers, of which lake area of 992.6 square kilometers, 9546000 acres of arable land. The area is a low depression around the middle of the low-lying four weeks high and 3 to 5 meters high, the local up to 7 meters; the middle of the low ground is generally about 2 meters high, the lake is Wa depression, high 0-1 meters, Ditch criss-crossing here, dotted with lakes, both natural storage reservoir, but also the development of natural resources treasure house. In 1986, the “Comprehensive Development Plan for Agricultural Resources in the Lixiahe River Area” approved by the Jiangsu Provincial Government confirmed the principle of “obeying flood control and waterlogging and actively exploiting and utilizing water resources”, and the relationship between resource development and waterlogging improved. However, since 1965, there has been no flood, so there is a focus on resource development and neglect of lacustrine waterlogging. For this reason, we think it is necessary to discuss somehow the relationship between lake resources development and waterlogging. First, the question raised