The Birthplace of the Oracle-bone Characters

来源 :中国周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whlwzn
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【正】 While China’s oracle-bone characters are world-wide famous, the placeAnyang of central China’s Henan Province--where they were discov ered has now also become wellknown and enjoys a high reputation as one of the seven ancient capital cities in the cou
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China is a shopper’s dream. It doesn’t take long for a new comer to become acquainted quickly with the haggling experience. Members of tour groups, unfortuna
【正】 Before my students went to China,they were no different than the averageAmerican. The average American knowslittle or nothing about the Chinesepeople,the
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环境治理和经济的发展必然存在不可调和的矛盾,《南方周末》在这类问题上从来都是站在环保一方,大力支持环境治理。“临沂治霾选择题”的报道实质上只是在某些特定的时刻,站在特定的维度去重新审视这个事件本身,从不同的角度反映出另一重社会问题。  确定选题的过程很简单:编辑把这个选题交给了我,拿到之后一看是很典型的题材,当时恰逢新的环境监管机制出台,多个市长被约谈,抱着借这件事映射一下全国的环境监管机制中存在