在我生命结束时,它会像一阵烟随风散去吗?我还要承受多久,主啊,我还要愤怒多久?撒旦将给你一点小小的提示,然后他会快速进驻。主啊,把我的盲目遮盖起来吧,让我看到自己不会流血。——Bob Dylan《烦恼》回到1964年,当时还是《国家观察者》自由撰稿人的亨特·汤普森,去爱达荷州的凯彻姆进行了一次朝圣之旅,查究为什么小说家海明威会在其索图斯岭的牧场小屋中,用他的12口径霰弹枪举枪自杀,在那段时期——刚左新闻主义还没有诞生,LSD也未现身江湖,“怪诞势力”还没有抬头,
At the end of my life, will it go away like a cloud of smoke? How long will I have to bear, Lord, how long will I be angry? Satan will give you a little tip, and then he will be stationed quickly. Lord, hide my blindness and let me see that I will not bleed. --Bob Dylan “troubles” Back in 1964, Hunt Thompson, then a freelance writer for National Observers, went to Ketchum, Idaho, for a pilgrimage to find out why the novelist Hemingway During his time in the trail ranch in Mount Saugus Ridge, he shot his gun with a 12-shot shotgun - just leftist journalists have not yet been born, and the LSD has not appeared in the arena, “Grotesque” Not yet looked up