为了优化全县葡萄品种结构,1992年从郑州果树所引进了早玉(18—5—1)葡萄新品种,绿枝嫁接到白牛奶葡萄上,现将几年来的生长表现简结如下。1 植物学特征 早玉葡萄嫩梢绿色,绒毛稀疏;幼叶黄绿色,有红褐色晕,上下表面有光泽,绒毛稀;新梢枝条浅褐色。成龄叶片中等大,心脏形,5裂,
In order to optimize the grape variety structure throughout the county, a new grape variety of Zaoyu (18-5-1) was introduced from Zhengzhou fruit trees in 1992 and grafted onto white milk grapes. The growth performance over the years is summarized as follows. 1 Botanical characteristics Early jade grape young green, sparsely populated; young leaves yellow-green, reddish-brown halo, the upper and lower surface shiny, fluff thin; shoot shoot light brown. Medium-aged leaves, heart-shaped, 5-cracked,