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  Abstract:The translator,Gary Snyder took Han Shan’s poems into another brilliant and splendid literature world where the “marginal poets” and “marginal poems” in Chinese literature stepped into the halls of the “center” and “canonization” of Western literature.
  Key Words:Han Shan;Han Shan’s poems;Gary Snyder
  In China, whether in ancient times or in contemporary era, Han Shan is not regarded as an important poet. His poems were not accepted by the conventional Chinese literature because of his vernacular language. Yet, in America Han Shan is widely accepted and esteemed highly and the translation of his poems is deemed as a cannon in American literature, especially Gary Snyder's version of Han Shan’s poems. The overseas “Han Shan fever” has made an impact on the literary circle in China. The different fortunes of Han Shan’s poems at home and abroad serve for a good evidence for James Hulbert’s statement, “we live and read and write in a world shaped by literary canon. The cannon itself is constantly undergoing redefinition and, indeed, exists in multiple versions at any one time.” (Hulbert,1965) In this thesis, the canonization of Snyder’s translation will be made to explain the reasons for of Han Shan’s poems.
  Firstly, owing to Snyder’s personal impact. In the 1950s and1960s, many American poets became interested in foreign cultures, especially Chinese culture. Gary Snyder is one of them and a typically successful one who has absorbed the essence of traditional Chinese culture and integrated it with western culture. Indulged in Chinese culture since he was young, Snyder has been greatly influenced by Zen Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism as he once called himself as “a Confucianist, Buddhist, Taoist socialist (Zhao,1982). ” His idea of great nature serves as a good example. Another reason lies in his personal life experience. When he was in the Childhood, Snyder lived in a place surrounded by Cascades Mountain. Later on, when he came back from Japan, he settled in a mountain area. Enchanted with steep mountains and dark forests, Snyder has cultivated a mountain complex. Years of living in the mountains and unconscious influences by Zen Buddhism have enabled him to understand Han Shan much deeper and easier than others. That is one of the reasons that his translation has been thought highly of by the American youth and the other poets and academics. Moreover, Snyder's excellent translation skills have added poetic art to Han Shan’s poems, which has been an important reason for their popularity in the United States. Fackler once said, “It’s Gary Snyder’s tightly organized and carefully unified cycle of Cold Mountain Poems which is truly significant work of poetic art.” (Fackler,1971)   Secondly, because of selections of original texts.According to Chen Huijian, a scholar in Taiwan, there are about 314 Han Shan's poems left nowadays. These poems cover a wide range of topics. However, Snyder only selected 24 of them only, which are all related to the nature or Zen Buddhism. As a matter of fact, Snyder did not choose the poems randomly but deliberately. In general, the reasons can be summarized as below. First of all, Snyder has been interested in Chinese culture, especially Zen Buddhism. He has read numerous classical works of the East, Buddhist Scriptures, Chinese poems and Taoist works such as Dao De Jing. During the years between 1956 and 1968, Snyder visited Japan specially and lived there for nearly ten years in order to further study Zen Buddhism. To some extent, his enthusiasm towards Chinese Buddhist sutra and Zen has led to his choice of Han Shan's poems. Secondly, Snyder’s philosophy has been largely affected by Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. As early as 1950 when he studied in university, Snyder began to read the English version of Dao De Jing, the ideology of which was often adopted by him to support his own thoughts, for instance, his concept of Great Nature. It should be noted that Snyder has never been a pure Buddhist, Taoist or Confucianist. He often absorbed the part beneficial to shape his own ideas. Thirdly, as Snyder was fully aware of the social background at that time, his selection satisfied the social and cultural demands. As is known to all, after World War II American economy developed by leaps and bounds while various social problems began to emerge and sharpen. A huge number of American youth was strongly dissatisfied with and deeply doubted the western culture and religious tradition. They broke their ties with family and society and exiled themselves into wild woods, drank excessively and took drugs. Besides, pushed forward by the counterculture movement, Taoism and Zen Buddhism were well received in America in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore, the appearance of Han Shan caught these people’s eyes as he was described as a man who abandoned the life in the earthly world and lived alone on a cliff in the wilderness. As a person closely related to such a group of people or even a member of them, Snyder not only found some similarities between himself and Han Shan, but also specially chose and organized the poems so as to reinforce people’s impression on Han Shan, a spiritual leader of the Beats and hippies.   Thirdly, as to translation method,Literal translation is adopted by Snyder in his translation. In the 1950s and 1960s, the Americans turned to oriental culture for a solution of their social and cultural problems. An exotic atmosphere and foreign culture were just what they longed for. Moreover, the values and philosophy expressed in Han Shan’s poems and the behaviors of Han Shan complied with their thoughts of being opposed to conventional bourgeois values. Thus, literal translation is preferred in his translation so as to create a fresh new world. For example,Snyder translated“黄老”to “Huang and Lao” literally In traditional Chinese culture, “Huang and Lao” is used to refer to Taoist doctrines. Yet, it is unfamiliar to the Americans who have little knowledge of Chinese culture but it is appealing to them.In the tenth poem, “黄泉” is translated to "Yellow Springs".
  Fourthly,in terms of Ideology, as Lefevere defines it, is “the conceptual grid that
  consists of opinions and attitudes deemed acceptable in a certain society at a certain time, and through which readers and translators approach texts”(Lefevere,1992). Snyder's translation of Han Shan’s poems can be regarded as a classic example of rewriting due to some deliberate errors found in his translation, which can also be traced back to the ideological manipulation on his translating. For example, “煉药”and“求仙” in the 12th poem refers to Taoist's endeavor to refine elixir vitae for eternal life,but Snyder translated “炼药” into “tried drugs” as if Han Shan took drugs as what the Beat Generation did in the 1950s and 1960s. This was ridiculous to Chinese readers' mind, but it indeed struck a chord in American young people’s heart.So here the translation of“炼药”is a good example of deliberate error which is the result of rewriting under the manipulation of ideology.In the above example, the experience reflected by tried drugs; but couldn’t make immortal made Beat Generation feel an affinity with the translated poem, which is one of the reasons why Snyder’s translation is so well received by them.
  In the end, the thesis is still far from being perfect, since the canonization of Snyder's translation of Han Shan’s poems is indeed a special case in the literary history. The analysis should be deeper and more systematic and the conclusion reached from the analysis still has some limitations, i.e., ignores the subjectivity of translator. However, it is expected that more attention can be paid to the studies of the translation of Han Shan’s poems and other Chinese poems in the future, further facilitating the cultural communication between the East and the West.
  [1]Waley, A. (1954 ).27 Poems by Han Shan. Encounter, 3,30-60.
  [2]Snyder, G.(1965). Riprap & cold mountain poems . San Francisco: Grey Fox Press.
  [3]Snyder, G. (1965). Cold Mountain Poems. Evergreen Review, 6, 68-80.
  [4]钟玲 (2006).《史耐德和中国文化》.北京:首都师范大学出版社.
摘要:音乐剧《上海滩》出品方为金典工场(上海)企业发展有限公司。由香港TVB授权CMC团队创作,以《上海滩》故事情节为基础进行创作改编而成的。通过对当时发生在上海滩的社会不同阶级人物的不同人生态度、人生追求的刻画,赢得了广大音乐爱好者以及观众的认可。全剧还是以爱出发,通过爱情主线,讲述故事情节的发展。  关键词:许文强;冯程程;爱情  一,《在一起》唱段创作背景  北平大学生许文强在学潮中不仅失去
摘要:在公共图书馆建设过程中,地方文献是重要的组成因子,也是公共图书馆所提供的主要服务之一。加大公共图书馆中地方文献的开发与利用,对于地区经济文化的发展具有重要意义。本文围绕地方文献的特征展开,分析如何更好的开发与利用公共图书馆的地方文献,以促进地方文献功能作用的完全发挥。  关键词:公共图书馆;地方文献;开发;利用  随着社会经济的不断发展,地区文化的功能作用日益发挥,各地对公共图书馆地方文献资
摘要:一幅书法作品,其中有看得见的东西,笔画、墨色、字形、诗句等,这是“躯体”;还有看不见的东西,感情、风神、韵律等,这是“灵魂”。书法出“味”,往往就出在这“灵魂”上,故此只能靠细细品味,才可感悟得到。  关键词:书法;线条;结构;韵味  书法是一种文字完美的艺术表现形式。中国书法是中国汉字特有的一种传统艺术。书法是指语言符号的书写法则,是指按照文字特点及其含义,以其书法笔法,结构和章法写字,使
翻译自《运动文化》第三十二卷第4期,麻省理工学院出版社,1988年冬季102页-119页。  译者:袁婷婷  1986年秋天,在一部电视制作的电影中,一个女人死了,或者至少根据医生的判断,她已经(肉体死亡)。但是她的大脑是活着的,功能正常。在同一时间,另一个女人被宣布“大脑死亡”,然而她的身体能够继续呼吸,功能正常。通过一个神奇的的手术,医生讲第一个女人活着的大脑移植到第二个女人的身体上。这部电视
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摘要:约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫(德语:Johann Sebastian Bach,1685年3月21日-1750年7月28日),是巴洛克时期最杰出的作曲家之一。在巴赫的音乐艺术生涯中,键盘音乐是他音乐创作的重要领域,他对传统键盘乐的继承、创新和发展使巴洛克时期的键盘艺术达到了巅峰,具有很高的美学价值。在世界各国的钢琴教学中,巴赫的键盘音乐作品运用得十分广泛,他的键盘名著成为钢琴史上最珍贵的遗产,本文
摘要:宫崎骏所创作的动画电影作品中都蕴含着深刻的主题叙述,同时又走进了儿童的现实情感体验世界。本文从幼儿文学与儿童特点的角度出发,分析作品中的主题叙述与儿童认同的契合。  关键词:主题叙述;儿童认同;情感体验  一、立意深刻的主题叙述  宫崎骏所创作的动画电影作品虽然题材各异,但却将梦想、环保、人性、生存这些发人深省的思想相融合。将其稍加梳理,我们不难发现其作品的几个常见主题如下:  第一,關于人
在我国扇子最早被称为“翣”,“翣(音sha四声)”、已有三千多年的历史,雅称“摇风”“凉友”。《小雅 广服》—大扇谓之翣;《仪礼 既夕礼 燕器》—杖笠翣,注:扇也;《淮南子 说南》—被裘而以翣翼,注:扇也。中国的扇子起源很早,传说的“虞舜造扇”,在商代就已经有了扇子的雏形。最早的扇并不是用它来取凉,而是一种装饰品、礼仪工具。周代时,叫“障扇”,一是用来为帝王障尘蔽日;二是一种地位和权利的象征,来显
摘要:本文主要研究的是《霸王别姬》和《黑天鹅》这两部作品。笔者发现虽然这两部作品诞生于不同的国度和不同的时期。可是无论是主题、人物设置、情节、结局都有很多的相似之处。  关键词:《黑天鹅》;《霸王别姬》;女性化;去女性化  不同时期诞生与不同国家的两部作品《霸王别姬》、《黑天鹅》。分别有自己的独特的魅力。通过鉴赏两部作品,我们发现从故事情节它们有很多相似之处。但仔细研究,两部作品无论是故事情节的开