发生于 1989年以后的 5例先天性风疹综合征(CRS)及其母亲的感染状况,患儿背景和听觉所见报道如下. 对象和方法 以在东京大学、帝京大学及琦玉县小儿医疗小心耳鼻喉科就诊的 1989 年以后出生的因CRS致耳聋的5例患儿及其母亲为调查对象.初诊时患儿均做听觉
Five cases of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) and their mother’s infection that occurred after 1989 were reported as follows in children’s background and hearing. Subjects and Methods Five children with deafness due to CRS and their mothers born after 1989 in University of Tokyo, Teikyo University and Saitama pediatric medical care otolaryngology were surveyed. Children have hearing when first visit