
来源 :中国油料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abaccj
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1986—1985年,由农牧渔业部农作物病虫测报站负责,中国农业科学院油料作物研究所主持,组织冬油菜区10省(区)13个县级以上植保单位进行了油菜病毒病预测预报研究。1987年5月26—30日在湖北广济召开了该项研究的学术交流和工作总结会议。代表来自各协作单位(有3个单位未出席)和湖南省植物保护研究所等6个特邀单位,共25人。会议交流了油菜病毒病流行规律和预测预报研究成果和结果,总结了协作研究工作经验,安排了申报研究成果工作,并对今后油菜病害的综合预测和决策提出了建议。学术交流的中心议题是:油菜病毒病的流行因素。发生趋势展望、超长期预测、病害流 From 1986 to 1985, the Crop Disease and Pest Forecasting Station of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries was in charge of the plant diseases and insect pests reporting station under the leadership of the Institute of Oil Crops, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The 13 plantations above the county level in ten provinces (districts) in the winter rapeseed area were organized to study the prediction and forecast of rape virus disease . May 26, 1987 held in Guangji, Hubei Province, the study of academic exchanges and working summary meeting. Delegates from the collaborators (3 units were absent) and Hunan Institute of Plant Protection and other six invited units, a total of 25 people. The conference shared the research results and results of the epidemic regularity and prediction of rape virus disease, summarized the experience of collaborative research and arranged the work of applying research results, and put forward suggestions on the comprehensive prediction and decision-making of rape diseases in the future. The central topic of academic exchange is: epidemiological factors of rape virus disease. Trend forecast, long-term forecast, disease flow
一、引言1950年 Meister 报道了乳酸脱氢酶存在一种蛋白质污染物,1952年 Neilands 指出这种污染物实际上是该酶的第二种类型,1959年,Markert 和 Moller 首次提出同工酶(Isoz
根据宋代教坊四部及相关文献,推断出唐代教坊四部为胡部、龟兹部、鼓架部和清乐部。其中胡部为教坊第一部,在唐代教坊中有着独特的地位和优厚的待遇。 According to the fou
With in situ optical emission spectroscopy (OES) diagnosis on VHF-generated H_2+SiH_4 plasmas,and with the measurements of deposition rate and structure of μc-