许多人在生活工作中常有一种孤独寂寞感,当他们痛苦、悲伤、愤怒急需找朋友倾诉时,却发现找不到可以倾诉的人。在许多人快乐、热闹的场面,他们却独居一角有种被人群冷落、疏远的感觉。为何他们在社交中不被欢迎呢?原因有以下几个方面: 个性悲观、缺乏自信个性悲观、缺乏自信的人在和别人交往时无足够的自信,总害怕自己在和人交谈时说出不合时宜、大煞风景的话,招致别人笑话。或者担心自己不受欢迎,从而便以退缩、沉默等方式来逃避
Many people often have a sense of loneliness in their daily life. When they are in pain, sadness, or anger, they find it urgent to find a friend whom they can talk about. In many people happy, lively scene, they are living alone in a kind of cold-blooded crowd, estranged feeling. Why they are not welcome in the social? For the following reasons: personality pessimistic, lack of self-confidence pessimistic personality, lack of confidence when dealing with others without sufficient confidence, always afraid to speak out of their own time , Unpleasant, then lead to joke. Or worry about their unpopular, so as to retreat, silence and other ways to escape