有毒及易燃易爆气体报警器的周期性检定作为石油、化工等生产性企业安全防护的重要方面,报警器核心部件传感器的线性度、可靠性、检测结果的准确性就显得尤为重要。以一氧化碳有毒电化学式气体传感器为例,对传感器的工作原理及整体工作过程进行了详细分析;对每部分结构的作用进行了简要描述;性能参数指标分情况进行探论。最终对一氧化碳有毒电化学式传感器的线性度、相关性、响应时间、温湿度依赖性进行了有效评估。“,”As toxic and flammable gas alarms are used in safety protection in petroleum, chemical and other product manufacturers, the linearity, reliability and accuracy of their core sensors are important. Taking an electrochemical gas sensor for detecting carbon monoxide as an example, this paper presents its principles and overall working process, describes the function of its each component, and discusses its performance characteristics in various situations. Finally, the evaluation of the linearity, correlation, response time, and temperature and humidity dependence of the sensor is presented.