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听证会是正式的公众参与城市规划编制方式。政府规划部门应作为听证会的一般发起主体和组织者,控制性详细规划地段内的利害关系人应作为特殊提起主体。听证事项应限于对社会公共利益有重大影响的事项,并适当将某些事项排除。对于不同的听证事项可采取不同的听证模式。听证参加人应分为居民代表和专家代表,合理设置人数比例。听证主持人可由同级人民代表大会中具有规划知识背景的工作人员担任,以确保其公正性;听证参加人享有陈述和质询的权利;听证会记录应作为城市规划编制和审批的必备参考。违反听证规则时应追究相关工作人员的责任,但一般不影响城市规划的整体效力,可以补听证和申请国家赔偿方式救济。 Hearing is the formal method of public participation in urban planning. The government planning department should serve as the general sponsor and organizer of the hearing and the interested parties within the detailed control planning area should be the subject of special mention. Hearing matters should be limited to matters that have a significant impact on the public interest in the community and to exclude certain issues as appropriate. For different hearing matters can take a different mode of hearing. Hearing participants should be divided into resident representatives and expert representatives, a reasonable percentage of the number of people. The hearing moderator may be staffed by the people’s congress at the same level with planning knowledge background to ensure its impartiality; the participants of the hearing enjoy the right to make representations and questions; and the record of hearing should be taken as a necessary reference for the preparation and approval of urban planning. Violation of the rules of the hearing should be held accountable to the staff, but generally does not affect the overall effectiveness of urban planning, you can make up the hearing and apply for state compensation relief.