TdP, a pleomorphic VT with prolongation of the QT interval, can occur in a wide range of clinical situations, but is most commonly caused by drugs. Non-sedating H 1 -receptor antagonists such as benzylbenzimidazole (astemizole) and terfenadine can also cause this type of arrhythmia.This article reports a possible congenital sporadic QT prolonging the dose of buformin-induced torsades de pointes caused by ventricular tachycardia patients Female, 42 years old, recurrent seizures 2 days a total of 3 times, admitted to hospital in August 1992. No convulsions when fainting performance, no incontinence, rapid recovery of consciousness without leaving sequelae. 4 months ago due to patients Fury was admitted to hospital in April 1992, when the ECG showed Q-T_c interval prolongation (577 and 567 ms), potassium 3.5-4.0 mml / L (normal 3.5-5.5 mmol / L), calcium 2.2 mmol / L (Normal 2.1-2.6mmol / L), blood magnesium 0.8mmol / L (normal 0.7-1.15mmol / L, denied the previous heart disease, fainting, palpitations, shortness of breath or chest