1 引言根据《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》、《化妆品卫生监督条例》、《生活饮用水卫生监督管理条例》、《消毒管理办法》等法律法规 ,卫生防疫系统实验室承担对相应产品的卫生质量检验工作 ,其检验资格是根据法律法规规定获得的 [1]。由于卫生防疫系统的机构改革 ,卫生防疫系
1 Introduction According to the “Food Sanitation Law of the People’s Republic of China”, the “Regulations on Hygiene Supervision of Cosmetics”, the “Regulations for the Administration of Sanitary Drinking Water,” and the “Disinfection Management Measures” and other laws and regulations, the Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention System Laboratory undertakes the hygiene quality of the corresponding products. For inspection work, its qualification for inspection is obtained according to laws and regulations [1]. Due to the institutional reform of the health and epidemic prevention system, the Department of Health and Epidemic Prevention