对于方便袋,我们都非常熟悉,它因价格便宜、使用方便,而深受人们的喜爱。殊不知,小小的方便袋,在物理演示实验中还有着许多的妙用。1 演示摩擦起电选一只干燥的方便袋,把它在泡沫塑料上迅速地摩擦几下,随手就可把它“贴”在墙上或黑板上,且能保持较长时间不掉。实验效果明显,操作起来非常方便。
We are very familiar with convenient bags, which are popular with people because of their low price and convenient use. As everyone knows, small pockets have many magical uses in physical demonstration experiments. 1 Demonstrate frictional electrification Select a dry, easy-to-use bag and quickly rub it onto the foam for a few moments, then “stick” it to the wall or blackboard and keep it for a long time. The experimental results are obvious and the operation is very convenient.