雅典奥运会取得巨大成功,北京2008的组织者应该从中学到许多东西。没有前呼后拥,没有秘书,雅典奥运会组委会总监瓦西里·尼雅达斯只身一人,悄然来到正紧锣密鼓准备着2008年奥运盛会的北京。正是这位行事低调的希腊中年男子,运筹帷幄,将2004年回到故乡的那场体育盛事幕后的一切--从竞技勇士到几十万外国游客们的吃喝住行乃至安全措施和志愿者的培训管理,安排得井然有序,赢得世界舆论的高度赞扬。 我们有幸在尼雅达斯短暂的行程
Athens Olympic Games made great success, Beijing 2008 organizers should learn from many things. Without the call before, without a secretary, Athens Olympic Organizing Committee director Vasily Niyadasi alone, quietly came to Beijing is preparing for the 2008 Olympic Games. It is the low-key, Greek middle-aged man who has strategically placed everything behind the sporting event that returned to her hometown in 2004 - from competitive warriors to hundreds of thousands of foreign tourists for food and drink, as well as for safety measures and volunteers Training management, arranged in an orderly manner, won the high praise of world opinion. We are fortunate to have a short trip to Neyandas