国务院、中央军委授予上海市公安消防总队第五支队车站中队“模范消防中队”荣誉称号命名大会今天在上海举行。 这是1983年以来公安消防部队第一个被国务院、中央军委授予荣誉称号的英雄集体。 设于上海龙华机场停机坪上的命名大会会场红旗飘飘,军乐声声。命名大会开始时,解放军总政治部组织部部长喻林祥宣读了国务院、中央军委的命令。 命令说,上海市公安消防总队第五支队车站中队主要担负着上海市南市区7.8平方公里区域内的公安消防保
The State Council and the Central Military Commission have awarded the honorary title of “Model Fire Squadron” for the Fifth Detachment Squadron, Shanghai Public Security Fire Brigade, to be held today in Shanghai. This is the first collective of the public security and fire brigades since 1983 that was awarded the honorary title by the State Council and the Central Military Commission. Located in Shanghai Longhua Airport apron named Conference venue red flags fluttering, military music sound. At the beginning of the naming convention, Yu Linxiang, head of the organization department of the PLA General Political Department, read out the orders of the State Council and the Central Military Commission. The order said that the Fifth Detachment Squadron of the Shanghai Public Security Fire Brigade was primarily responsible for the public security fire protection within the 7.8 square kilometer area of Nanshi District, Shanghai