本研究对籼型水稻50个亲本的数量性状,应用多元分析法,测定遗传距离,作为预测F_1杂种优势的参数。并据此进行聚类分析,为水稻杂交育种的亲本选择及选配强优组合提供依据。供试材料选用对野生稻胞质不育基因具有恢复或保持性能的品种以及不同地理分布和具有特殊性状的品种(系)(见表1)。试验于1979年在本所试验田进行,设计参看前“籼型水稻数量性状遗传参数的研究”。统计分析的原理和方法主要参考文献[1]。供试亲本数 P=50,重复 r=3,每区考察株数 m=10。计算得九个性状的方差估值,列于表2。
In this study, quantitative traits of fifty parents of indica rice were determined by multivariate analysis and genetic distances were determined as parameters to predict F 1 heterosis. Based on this, cluster analysis was carried out to provide the basis for parental selection and combination of strong and excellent combinations in rice cross breeding. The tested materials selected varieties that have the restoring or maintaining properties of wild type cytoplasm sterile genes and the varieties (lines) with different geographical distribution and special traits (Table 1). The experiment was carried out in our experimental field in 1979, and the design refers to the former study on genetic parameters of quantitative traits of indica rice. The principle and method of statistical analysis are mainly references [1]. The number of parents for the test P = 50, repeat r = 3, the number of plants investigated in each area m = 10. The variance estimates for the nine traits are shown in Table 2.