Long acting octreotide in the treatment of advanced hepatocellular cancer and overexpression of soma

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:packey80
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AIM: To estimate if and to what extent long acting octreotide (LAR) improves survival and quality of life in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODS: A total of 127 cirrhotics, stages A-B, due to chronic viral infections and with advanced HCC, were enrolled in the study. Scintigraphy with 111Indium labeled octreotide was performed in all cases. The patients with increased accumulation of radionuclear compound were randomized to receive either oral placebo only or octreotide/octreotide LAR only as follows: octreotide 0.5mg s.c. every 8 h for 6 wk, at the end of wk 4-8 octreotide LAR 20 mg i.m. and at the end of wk 12 and every 4 wk octreotide LAR 30mg i.m.. Follow-up was worked out monthly as well as the estimation of quality of life (QLQ-C30 questionnaire). Patients with negative somatostatin receptors (SSTR) detection were followed up in the same manner. RESULTS: Scintigraphy demonstrated SSTR in 61 patients. Thirty were randomized to receive only placebo and 31 only octreotide. A significantly higher survival time was observed for the octreotide group (49 ± 6 wk) as compared to the control group (28 ± 1 wk) and to the SSTR negative group (28 ± 2 wk), LR = 20.39, df = 2, P < 0.01. The octreotide group presented 68.5% lower hazard ratio [95% CI (47.4%-81.2%)]. During the f irst year, a 22%, 39% and 43% decrease in the QLQ-C30 score was observed in each group respectively.CONCLUSION: The proposed therapeutic approach has shown to improve the survival and quality of life in SSTR positive patients with advanced HCC. AIM: To estimate if and to what extent long acting octreotide (LAR) improves survival and quality of life in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODS: A total of 127 cirrhotics, stages AB, due to chronic viral infections and with advanced HCC, were enrolled in the study. Scintigraphy with 111 Indium labeled octreotide was performed in all cases. The patients with increased accumulation of radionuclear compound were randomized to receive either oral placebo only or octreotide / octreotide LAR only as follows: octreotide 0.5 mg sc every 8 h for 6 wk, at the end of wk 4-8 ​​octreotide LAR 20 mg im and at the end of wk 12 and every 4 wk octreotide LAR 30 mg im. Follow-up was worked out monthly as well as the estimation of quality of life (QLQ-C30 questionnaire). Patients with negative somatostatin receptors (SSTR) detected were followed up in the same manner. RESULTS: Scintigraphy demonstrated SSTR in 61 patients. Thirty were randomized to receive only placebo and 31 A significant higher survival time was observed for the octreotide group (49 ± 6 wk) as compared to the control group (28 ± 1 wk) and to the SSTR negative group (28 ± 2 wk), LR = 20.39, df = 2, P <0.01. The octreotide group presented a 68.5% lower hazard ratio [95% CI (47.4% -81.2%)] during the f irst year, a 22%, 39% and 43% decrease in the QLQ-C30 score was observed in each group respectively. CONCLUSION: The proposed therapeutic approach has shown improve the survival and quality of life in SSTR positive patients with advanced HCC.
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亲爱的儿子:  今天跟你谈谈职业这个话题。作为一个将满十八岁的青年,你一定对自己的未来充满美好的憧憬,你也一定对职业——这一人生重大问题不止一遍地设想过:我将来会从事什么样的职业?什么样的职业适合我?而且,即将升入高三的你,不久就要面临大学专业的选择。如何选择专业?专业和职业之间是什么关系?这些问题的澄清,也许能够让你在选择的时候多一些理性,少一点盲目和冲动。因此,我想围绕职业这个话题,对这些问题
一个年轻人以优异的成绩考上了大学。在其学校生活的每个阶段,他都是深受其他学生拥戴的学生领袖。但在他身上,丝毫不见一些“佼佼者”身上常见的清高、孤傲、盛气凌人,相反,他为人谦和,从内心深处尊重欣赏他身边的每一个人。   一天晚上,他邀请几个朋友到他的房间里吃晚餐。在吃饭过程中,一个朋友发现了他桌子上的一个座右铭。座右铭只有三个字:我第三。这三个字被镶嵌在一个精致的框架里。朋友们觉得很奇怪,大家都缠