我矿是一个开采近百年的老矿,具有井深,巷远,压力大等特点。含煤地层比较稳定,属于石炭二迭系。煤系地层由砂岩、砂页岩、砂砾岩、页岩、腐泥页岩组成。总厚度达416—482米。可采煤系地层厚度为124—126米,可采煤层有6—7层,厚度从0.8—10米不等,倾角从25—90°,变化较大。为超级瓦斯矿井,有煤与瓦斯突出危险。 矿井的开拓方式为:主、暗、斜井相结合的多水平开拓方式。水平垂高为90米,十水平以下改为180米。各主要运输大巷和回风道均开在岩石中,荒料石砌
Mine is a mining mine nearly a century, with well depth, alley, pressure and other characteristics. Relatively stable coal-bearing strata, belonging to the Carboniferous Diego series. Coal-bearing strata are composed of sandstone, sand shale, glutenite, shale and saprolite shale. The total thickness of 416-482 meters. The thickness of the coal-bearing strata can be 124-126 meters, the recoverable coal seam has 6-7 layers, the thickness ranges from 0.8-10 meters, and the inclination angle changes from 25-90 degrees. For the super gas mine, coal and gas out of danger. Mine pioneering ways: the main, dark, inclined shaft combination of multi-level approach to development. The level of vertical is 90 meters, below the level of 10 to 180 meters. The major transport lanes and return airways are open in the rocks, stone blocks