跨音压气机中存在激波/边界层相互干涉、激波/叶尖泄漏涡相互干涉等复杂流动结构,为了实现高精度的数值模拟,精细的捕捉到激波以及叶尖泄漏涡附近的流动结构,从而探究其复杂的流动机理,本文发展了非结构网格自适应技术,其可以自动的加密关注流动特征附近的网格,从而实现对激波、叶尖泄漏涡及激波与其他流动现象相互作用的流动结构的精细捕捉.本文将网格自适应技术应用于RAE-2822翼型二维激波算例以及真实跨音速压气机Rotor-37算例的数值模拟中,计算结果表明网格自适应技术能自动的捕捉到激波、叶尖泄漏涡及其与其他流动现象相互干涉的精细流动结构.“,”There are complex phenomena in transonic compressor including shock/boundary layer interaction,shock/tip leakage flow interaction and so on.This paper develops Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method (AMR) based on unstructured grid to automatically refine the local mesh in shock wave and tip leakage flow region.The refined mesh can predict higher resolution of shock wave and tip leakage flow and capture better interaction structure of shock wave,tip leakage flow and boundary layer.This will be benefit to investigate the complex mechanics in transonic compressor.This AMR method is tested with RAE-2822 airfoil case,DLR compressor 2D shock wave case and 3D transonic compressor rotor 37 case.The numerical tests show the AMR method can automatically capture shock wave and tip leakage flow structure,and better interaction structure among these flow features.