最近在涉外经济报道领域有两件事引起大家的普遍关注:一是5月份东芝笔记本电脑的赔偿事件,二是6月份韩国对中国大蒜的反倾销和中方采取的相应措施。不过对这两件事的报道不太一样:一个满怀激情地把事件逐步上升到民族感情的高度,另一个则比较理性地分析了事情的来龙去脉和利弊。在中国加入世贸组织已为期不远的时候,探讨一下此类报道的得与失,也许对做好“人世”后的涉外经济报道不无裨益。 正确引导需要理性分析 改革开放20多年来,随着外资广泛进入,经济生活中的涉外经济成分与我们生活、工作以及国民经济发展的关系越来越密切。
Recently, there were two issues of widespread concern in the field of foreign economic reporting: the compensation incident for Toshiba notebook computers in May and the anti-dumping measures by South Korea against Chinese garlic in June and the corresponding measures taken by China. However, the coverage of these two events is not the same: one with passion to gradually raise the incident to the height of national feelings, while the other is more rational analysis of the ins and outs and advantages and disadvantages. In the near future, China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) has explored the gains and losses of such reports and may not be without merit in reporting foreign economic issues after the “deathbed”. Correctly Guiding Needs Reasonable Analysis Since the reform and opening up for more than 20 years, with the extensive introduction of foreign capital, the foreign economic component in economic life has become more and more closely linked with our life, work and the development of the national economy.