合江林区由于开发利用较早 ,原始的针阔混交林已所剩无几 ,多是以杨、桦、柞为主的次生林。造林树种单一 ,造林地多为采伐迹地 ,且卫生条件不好 ,使森林的稳定性较差 ,维持生态平衡的能力较低 ,造成森林鼠害的发生日益严重。为把森林鼠害控制在生态和经济允许水平之下 ,并达到
Due to the earlier development and utilization of Hejiang Forest Region, the original coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest has been left with mostly secondary forests mainly poplar, birch and oak. The afforestation species is single, the afforestation is mostly deforestation, and the hygienic conditions are poor, the stability of the forest is poor, and the ability to maintain ecological balance is low, causing the occurrence of forest rodent pests increasingly serious. To control forest rodent pests under ecologically and economically permissible levels and to achieve