一、教学目的的确定这是一篇以抒情为主的记叙性散文。文章所在单元组的重点训练项目是“怎样表达思想感情”,《别了,我爱的中国》一文在表达怎样的思想感情和怎样表达思想感情两个方面提供了极好的范例。本课的教学目的和重点可确定为: (一)通过了解作者在文章中所表达的深沉的思想感情,深刻认识正由于旧中国的政治腐败、积贫积弱,才导致了亲爱的祖国倍受帝国主义列强的侵略和践踏。作者在暂别祖国时所表达的思想感情不
First, determine the purpose of teaching This is a narration-based narrative prose. The key training program in the unit where the article is located is “How to express thoughts and feelings.” The article “What’s New, I Love China” provides an excellent example of how to express thoughts and feelings and how to express thoughts and feelings. The purpose and focus of this lesson can be determined as follows: (a) By understanding the deep thoughts and feelings expressed by the author in the article, a deep understanding is due to the political corruption and poor accumulation of poverty in old China that led to the dear motherland Under the aggression and trampling of imperialist powers. The thoughts and feelings expressed by the author when he left the motherland are not