1993年7月,《宁波日报》扩为八版,其中第二版被确定为地方新闻版。 地方新闻版的报道面很广,工农兵学商,三百六十行,无所不包,要采撷其中的新闻精华,委实不易。何况,居这一版面之前的有要闻版,居此之后的还有经济专刊和社会生活专刊,而这几个版面也大多围绕着地方上发生的新闻做文章。因此,各版之间边缘交叉,有时彼此间甚至难分难解。无疑,这也进一步增添了地方新闻版的报道难度。
In July 1993, “Ningbo Daily” was expanded to eight editions, of which the second edition was identified as the local news edition. The coverage of the local news edition is very broad. The workers, peasants and soldiers, three hundred and sixty lines, are all-encompassing. It is not easy to pick up the essence of the news among them. What’s more, there is a news edition ahead of this page, followed by a special issue of economic special issue and social life, and most of these pages also make a fuss about news happening on the local area. As a result, the edges of the editions cross each other, sometimes even indistinguishable from each other. Undoubtedly, this further adds to the difficulty of coverage of local news boards.