Genetic dissection of a thousand-grain weight quantitative trait locus on rice chromosome 1

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Thousand-grain weight (TGWT) is an important factor affecting grain yield as well as grain quality in rice. A quantitative trait locus (QTL) qTGWT1-1 for TGWT was detected previously near DNA marker RG532 on the short arm of chromosome 1 in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the indica-indica rice cross Zhengshan97B (ZS97B)/Milyang46 (MY46). In this study, two residual het-erozygous lines (RHLs), Ch1 and Ch2, derived from the ZS97B/MY46 RIL F7 population, were used to develop two F6 populations, RIL-1 and RIL-2. The genome of Ch1 and Ch2 contains a heterozygous region flanked by RM1―RM3746 and RM151―RM243 on the short arm of chromosome 1, respectively, but is homozygous in other regions. Two tightly linked QTLs, Gw1-1 and Gw1-2, with the same additive direction and similar effect on TGWT, were detected in the region of QTL qTGWT1-1 in population RIL-2. No QTL was detected in the population RIL-1. Four individual RHLs from the population RIL-2 carrying heterozygous segments flanked by RM151―RM10404, RM10381―RM243, RM10435―RM259 and RM10398―RM5359, respectively, were chosen to develop four F2 populations. Ten maternal homozy-gotes and 10 paternal homozygotes were selected from each of the four F2 populations derived from the four RHLs. The four sets of near isogenic lines (NILs) were grown for phenotyping of TGWT and delimitation of Gw1-1 and Gw1-2. Results showed that Gw1-1 and Gw1-2 were located in the intervals RM10376―RM10398 and RM10404―RM1344 which cover 392.9 and 308.5 kb regions, respectively. The enhancing alleles were from ZS97B at both loci, and no significant interactions were detected. Genetic dissection of Gw1-1 and Gw1-2 has laid a foundation for their cloning and molecular breeding of grain yield and quality in rice. Thousand-grain weight (TGWT) is an important factor affecting grain yield as well as grain quality in rice. A quantitative trait locus (QTL) qTGWT1-1 for TGWT was detected previously near DNA marker RG532 on the short arm of chromosome 1 in a Recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the indica-indica rice cross Zhengshan 97B (ZS97B) / Milyang46 (MY46). In this study, two residual het- erozygous lines (RHLs), Ch1 and Ch2, derived from the ZS97B / MY46 RIL F7 population, were used to develop two F6 populations, RIL-1 and RIL-2. The genome of Ch1 and Ch2 contains a heterozygous region flanked by RM1-RM3746 and RM151-RM243 on the short arm of chromosome 1, respectively, but is homozygous in other regions. Two tightly linked QTLs, Gw1-1 and Gw1-2, with the same additive direction and similar effect on TGWT, were detected in the region of QTL qTGWT1-1 in population RIL-2. No QTL was detected in the population RIL-1. Four individual RHLs from the population RIL-2 carrying heterozyg Ten maternal homozygotes and 10 paternal homozygotes were selected from each of the four F2 populations derived from the four sets of near isogenic lines (NILs) were grown for phenotyping of TGWT and delimitation of Gw1-1 and Gw1-2. Results showed that Gw1-1 and Gw1-2 were located in the intervals RM10376-RM10398 and The enhanced alleles were from ZS97B at both loci, and no significant interactions were detected. Genetic dissection of Gw1-1 and Gw1-2 has laid a foundation for their cloning and molecular breeding. RM10404-RM1344 which covers 392.9 and 308.5 kb regions, respectively. of grain yield and quality in rice.
摘 要: 行为主义理论学家认为有机体的行为完全是以刺激与反应的术语进行解释的,语言也是一种行为,因此语言的发展被描绘成一系列习惯的形成。在外语教学中,他们提倡用模仿、重复、强化等方法促进语言习惯的形成。他们的观点对高职院校英语口语教学有很强的针对性,有利于提高学生的英语口语水平,提升英语的综合应用能力。  关键词: 行为主义 高职英语口语教学 应用    近年来各大院校对英语教学也非常重视,学生对
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摘 要: 作者从课堂气氛、课堂教学、学生主体、教师情感四个方面结合教学实践进行了阐述,以营造积极向上、轻松愉悦、富于激情的英语课堂学习气氛,让英语课堂焕发出生命的活力。  关键词: 英语课堂 激活 生命活力    一位教育家曾说:“英语课堂是一扇窗,推开窗,学生发现的是一个奇妙的世界,语言是一个家,在这个家中最重要的是人。”因此,我们应从生命的层次进行英语课堂教学,让英语课堂充满生命的活力,成为学
“良好的开端是成功的一半”。对于刚刚升入初中的学生来说,英语是一种不同于汉语的新语言,是一门陌生的课程,因此,在英语教学中,教师首先要做好入门教学工作。这项工作搞好了,今后老师的教和学生的学就会顺利,并能取得良好的效果。反之,学生就会产生怕英语、厌英语的情绪,从而失去学习的兴趣。这里,我根据多年的从教经验,谈谈一些做法,与同行们共同探讨。  一、开好头  作为刚步入中学门槛的初一新生,面临着新环境