Female, 62 years old. August 2010 due to “right eye my childhood poor vision ” treatment. Prosecution at 8 years old appeared at multiple body milk milk coffee spots, 13-year-old skin showed multiple nodular nodules, gradually increased, and multiple facial nasal facial and limb resection history. No other abnormalities. Parents of non-relatives married, denied family cluster genetic history. Physical examination: the body extensively covered with milk, coffee, coffee stains and nodular hyperplasia (Figure 1), different sizes, soft, good mobility, the surface feels normal, no tenderness. Eye examination: visual acuity: right eye 0.2, left eye 0.8, double eyelid edema, ptosis, skin tan spots and extensive nodular hyperplasia mass, anterior segment normal, right eye optic disc and retinal blood vessels, twisted Maniform (Figure 2),