Duodenal intraepithelial T lymphocytes in patients with functional dyspepsia

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dqylovezf1314
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AIM: To quantify the intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) and to document the membrane expression of CD4, CD8, TCRγδ and adhesion and/or activation-associated molecules (CD103, CD28, CD44, CD69, HLA-DR, CD95/ Fas) in the duodenal mucosa of patients with functional dyspepsia (FD) in order to provide arguments for an immunological process in FD. METHODS: Twenty-six FD patients according to Rome Ⅱ criteria (20 were H pylori negative) were studied and compared to 12 healthy adults. IELs were isolated from five duodenal biopsy samples, then quantified by microscopy and flow cytometry while the membrane phenotypes were determined by cytofluorometry. RESULTS: Duodenal histological examination was normal. In H pylori negative patients, the number of IELs was not different from that in healthy controls. Median percentage expression of CD4, CD8, or TCRγδ and CD103, CD44, CD28, CD69 on CD3+ IELs, among the adhesion/activation associated molecules tested, was not different from that in healthy controls. In contrast, the median percentage expression of CD95/ Fas [22 (9-65) vs 45 (19-88), P = 0.03] and HLA- DR expressing CD3+ IELs [4 (0-30) vs 13 (4-42), P = 0.04] was significantly lower in the H pylori negative FD group than in healthy controls, respectively. The number of IELs was significantly greater in H pylori positive FD patients than in healthy controls [median ratiofor 100 enterocytes 27.5 (6.7-62.5) vs 10.8 (3-33.3), P = 0.02] due to a higher number of CD8+ CD3+ IELs. CONCLUSION: In H pylori negative FD patients, the phenotypic characterization of IELs suggests that we cannot exclude a role of IELs in FD. AIM: To quantify the intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) and to document the membrane expression of CD4, CD8, TCRγδ and adhesion and / or activation-associated molecules (CD103, CD28, CD44, CD69, HLA- DR, CD95 / Fas) in the duodenal mucosa of patients with functional dyspepsia (FD) in order to provide arguments for an immunological process in FD. METHODS: Twenty-six FD patients according to Rome II criteria (20 were H pylori negative) were studied and compared to 12 healthy adults. IELs were isolated from five duodenal biopsy samples, then quantified by microscopy and flow cytometry while the membrane phenotypes were determined by cytofluorometry. RESULTS: Duodenal histological examination was normal. In H pylori negative patients, the number of IELs was not different from that in healthy controls. Median percentage expression of CD4, CD8, or TCRγδ and CD103, CD44, CD28, CD69 on CD3 + IELs, among the adhesion / activation associated molecules tested, was not different from that in healthy controls. In contrast, the median percentage expression of CD95 / Fas [22 (9-65) vs 45 (19-88), P = 0.03] and HLA- DR expressing CD3 + IELs -42), P = 0.04] was significantly lower in the H pylori negative FD group than in healthy controls, respectively. The number of IELs was significantly greater in H pylori positive FD patients than in healthy controls [median ratiofor 100 enterocytes 27.5 (6.7 -62.5) vs 10.8 (3-33.3), P = 0.02] due to a higher number of CD8 + CD3 + IELs. CONCLUSION: In H pylori negative FD patients, the phenotypic characterization of IELs suggests that we can not exclude a role of IELs in FD .
目的 探讨α-2b干扰素(安达芬)联合左旋咪唑搽剂、双嘧达莫、乙型肝炎疫苗(免疫三联疗法)对慢性乙型肝炎的治疗作用.方法选择慢性乙型肝炎患者240例,随机分为治疗组和对照组各120例.治疗组采用安达芬300万IU/d×2周,2周后改为隔日1次肌内注射.左旋咪唑搽剂5 ml(500 mg)/次,隔日1次均匀涂在腹部、大腿内侧皮肤.双嘧达莫75 mg/d,每日1次,晚睡前口服.乙肝疫苗15 μg/次,
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清朝康熙年间,有一位名闻朝野的清官,他就是张伯行。张伯行做官虽晚,但他任官始终忠于职守,克勤克俭,因而声名闻于天下,不但康熙皇帝对他多次表彰、擢升,百姓也称赞他是“天下第一清官”。  康熙五十年(一七一二年),江苏乡试发生了作弊案,副主考赵晋内外勾结串通,大肆舞弊,发榜后,读书人议论喧哗。康熙皇帝命令张伯行、噶礼同户部尚书张鹏翮、安徽巡抚梁世勋会审此案。由于牵涉到噶礼受贿银五十万两,案子错综复杂,