杂志简介:《商业故事》是新华书店集团主管,国家新闻出版总署批准出版的国内外公开发行的旬刊刊物。旨在捕捉变幻无常市场的蛛丝马迹,为今天的创业人群提供镜鉴,为各商界精英提供一个可以讨论和发布的平台。中国知网、万方数据库等网站全文收录。国内统一发行,国内统一刊号:CN 50-1185/F,国际标准刊号:ISSN 1673-8160,国内邮发代号:78-237。栏目设置:金融保险、经营管理、企业文化、经济与法、教育教学、行业动态、理论研究
About the magazine: “Commercial Story” is the official publication of the Xinhua Bookstore Group and the National Press and Publication Administration. The aim is to capture clues to the ever-changing market, provide a mirror for today’s entrepreneurs, and provide a platform for business elites to discuss and publish. The full text of websites such as China Knowledge Network and Wanfang Database is included. Uniform domestic distribution, domestic uniform number: CN 50-1185/F, international standard serial number: ISSN 1673-8160, domestic postal code: 78-237. Column settings: financial insurance, business management, corporate culture, economics and law, education and teaching, industry dynamics, theoretical research