山药山药亦称薯蓣,属薯蓣料。多年生缠绕藤本,地下部具园柱形肉质块茎,可食用。叶耳状三裂,叶腋中生珠芽,即“零余子”、“山药豆”,可供繁殖。 (见图)以块茎入药,性平,味甘,功能健脾胃、补肺肾,主治脾虚泄泻,消渴、遗精、带下等症。 (一)栽培要点:山药耐旱怕涝,前茬可选用肥沃高燥的冬菜地、冬闲地,以黄土较好。 1.整地:冬前亩
Yam Yam also known as yam, is a yam material. Perennial entangled vine, underground with cylindrical fleshy tubers, edible. Leaf ear-shaped three-split, axillary axillary buds, that is, “more than child”, “yam beans” for breeding. (See photo) To tubers medicine, sexual, sweet, functional spleen and stomach, lungs and kidney, attending spleen diarrhea, diabetes, nocturnal emission, with embolism. (A) the main points of cultivation: Yam drought-resistant floods, the former crop can be used to fertile high dry winter vegetables, winter fallow, loess better. 1. Site Preparation: acres before winter