案情: 请求方李某于一九八九年六月二十八日将自行设计研制的“皮带辊机械加工用涨胎”向中国专利局申请了实用新型专利,并于一九九○年三月二十八日被授予专利权(专利号:89209065.0)。 一九九○年十一月请求方以被请求方A厂侵犯其“皮带辊机械加工用涨胎”专利权为理由向市专利管理局提出纠纷调处请求,要求被请求方支付一九八九年和一九九○年专利使用费合计伍仟伍佰元正,市专利
Case: The requesting party, Lee, applied for utility model patents to the Chinese Patent Office on his own design and development of “Tire Belt for Belt Roller Machining” on June 28, 1989, On the 28th was granted a patent (patent number: 89209065.0). In November 1990, the Requesting Party filed a dispute mediation request with the Municipal Patent Administration on the ground that the Requested Party Factory A violated its patent right of “Tire Belt for Belt Roller Machining” and requested the Requested Party to pay 1989 Patent royalties in 1990 and in 1998 totaled NT $ 5,000 and patent in the city