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音像制品是出版物。对出版物的分类。图书已经比较科学、系统,而音像制品的分类,目前尚没有一个可供遵从的规范。一方面,我国音像事业起步晚,但发展快,还来不及进行认真、细致的研究;另一方面,在实际工作中,因套用其它媒体的分类法,也出现莫衷一是的情况。有些人认为音像制品就是文艺类,其它方面则是从属性的。这种认识上的偏差,影响到了对音像制品分类的讨论与研究。本文就录像制品的几种分类,谈点认识。 Audio-visual products are publications. Classification of publications. Books have been more scientific, systematic, and the classification of audio-visual products, there is no one to comply with the norms. On the one hand, the audiovisual undertaking in our country started late but developed rapidly. It is still not yet possible to carry out serious and meticulous research. On the other hand, due to the application of the taxonomy of other media, there is also a mixed situation in practice. Some people think that audio-visual products are literature and art, others are subordinate. This understanding of the deviation, affecting the classification and discussion of audio-visual products. In this paper, several categories of video products, talk about understanding.
对编辑来说,一稿两投或多投是一个不大不小令人困扰的问题。除非定稿前编辑部得到作者的通知,或发现一稿两投,否则编辑工作常陷于被动,有时甚而面临四面楚歌的窘境。 发稿的
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