
来源 :实用中医内科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stupid199001
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目前,常用中药大部分已载入药典。按规定,药材经营和医师处方的中药名称,凡纳入药典的药物应遵照药典执行。但由于多种原因,有法不依的情况至今仍然普遍存在着,致使中药材的临床应用,时有混淆情况的发生。下面就药典中已有明确规定的几种药材,谈谈 At present, most of the commonly used Chinese medicines are already in the pharmacopoeia According to regulations, the names of Chinese medicines prescribed by the medicinal materials business and doctors’ prescriptions shall be complied with by the Pharmacopoeia if they are included in the Pharmacopoeia. However, due to a variety of reasons, there are still cases of non-compliance, which has led to confusion in the clinical application of Chinese herbal medicines. Here are some medicines that have been clearly defined in the pharmacopoeia.
从当前国内外教学改革潮流来看,“教会学生学习”已经成为广大教学工作者的共识,根据新《课标》所倡导的教学理念,在语文学科的阅读教学中,应该体现阅读的主体是学生,教师的任务主要是激发学生充分地发挥其主体性,完成学生的自我认识过程。因此,在阅读教学中,我们应该树立人本主义理念,让学生成为阅读的主人,使阅读教学的课堂真正成为学生发展的课堂,使学生视阅读为快乐!  下面我将从实践中探究、效果里分析两个方面谈