(红红报道)在近日北京王府井新华书店举办的一次签名售书活动上,一位身材矮小的老人一露面,就立刻引起人们的关注——她,这位老人就是泸沽湖的传奇人物、“女儿国”摩梭的末代王妃肖淑明。“王妃”并非像英国女皇般光彩照人,而是一位身着普通摩梭妇女服装、精神矍铄的普通人。岁月在她脸上留下的皱纹,仿佛诉说着她在“女儿国”50多年的坎坷经历。 作为《泸沽湖畔的摩梭王妃》一书的主人公,肖淑明老人是受现代出版社之邀,专程来京参加该节首发式暨签名售书活动的。
(红 红 报道) In a recent Beijing Wangfujing Xinhua Bookstore organized a signing book sales activities, a short stature of the elderly appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of people - she, the old man is the legend of the Lugu Lake, “Daughter of” the last generation of Mosuo Xiao Shu Ming. “Princess” is not as brilliant as the Queen of the United Kingdom, but an ordinary woman dressed in ordinary Mosuo women’s clothing, spiteful spirit. Years of wrinkles in her face, as if to tell her in the “daughter of the country” more than 50 years of rough experience. As the protagonist of “The Princess of Mosuo at the Lugu Lake,” Xiao Shuming was invited by modern publishing houses to make a special trip to Beijing for the first episode of this festival and the book signing activities.