针对锤式破碎机锤头工况条件和主要失效方式,研制了一种新型合金铸钢锤头。经适当的热处理,得到显微组织为板条马氏体、针状马氏体及残余奥氏体,锤头头部硬度为HRC48~55,冲击韧性为ak=20 J/cm2,具有良好的硬度与韧性的配合,能够满足工况的要求。经现场试验证明,所研制的新型合金铸钢锤头的耐磨性为高锰钢锤头的1.5倍。
Aimed at hammer working conditions and main failure modes of hammer crusher, a new type of alloy steel hammer was developed. After proper heat treatment, the microstructure is lath martensite, acicular martensite and retained austenite. The hardness of the hammer head is HRC48-55 and the impact toughness is ak = 20 J / cm2. With the hardness and toughness, to meet the requirements of working conditions. The field test shows that the new alloy steel hammer developed has a wear resistance of 1.5 times that of a high manganese steel hammer.