有关中国传统饮食文化的书已拜读过好几本,且都感到写得不错。今年3月初,听邱国珍教授说她撰写的《中国传统食俗》一书即将出版,心中不禁生出一丝疑虑:现在还研究这样一个很传统的课题,还能写出新意么?6月初,读到了由广西民族出版社出的这本书,才觉得自己是杞人忧天了。 打开此书,一股清新之风扑面而来。作者在书中除了对传统食俗起源和发展过程中火的使用、陶器的发明这两个重要因素和阶段、食物的结构与饮
The book on Chinese traditional food culture has been read several times and both feel well written. In early March this year, listening to Professor Qiu Guizhen’s book, “Chinese Traditional Food and Customary,” a forthcoming book published in the heart can not help but give birth to some doubts: Now we still study such a very traditional topic, but also write something new? In early June, read The book by Guangxi Nationalities Publishing House, I feel that it is unfounded. Open this book, a fresh wind blowing. In addition to the author in the book on the origin of traditional food and the use of fire in the development process, the invention of pottery and the two important factors and stages of food structure and drinking