如果同我:《沙鸥》给你印象最深、使你记得最清楚的是哪一句台词?我毫不犹豫地回答:“能烧的都烧掉了,就剩下这些石头了。’什么原因呢? 首先,导演成功地运用了声音蒙太奇的强调手法,使这句话在语言平面上凸现。事业受挫,恋人身亡,身穿乳白色风衣的沙鸥来到圆明园遗址。残破颓败的建筑石雕,杂乱荒凉的瓦砾废墟,正是她悲痛凄凉的心灵写照。这对,闪回沙鸥与沈大威同游此地的镜头,响起大威说过的话:“能烧的都烧掉了,就剩下这些石头了。”接着是这句话三次重复,由低向高递升,从近至远扩大,在空旷寂静的废墟上空传播,回荡。这既是沙鸥的回想,又是她的主观幻觉。导演着力于真实
If with me: “Gull” gives you the deepest impression, so that you remember most clearly what a line? I did not hesitate to answer: “can burn are burned, leaving the stones.” What are the reasons First of all, the director succeeded in using the montage of sound to emphasize the tactics, making the sentence appear in the language plane .Due to frustration, the death of a lover, the gull wearing a white windbreaker came to the Yuanmingyuan site. Rubble ruins, it is her sad and desolate portrayal of the pair, flash back Gull and Shen Dawei here and the camera, sounded Dawei said: "can burn are burned, leaving the stones. Then the phrase repeated three times, rising from low to high, expanding from near to far, spread in the remains of silence over empty, echoing .This is both the gull recall, but also her subjective hallucinations .Director focused on the real