The story of the film “Fury” tells the story of the failure of the Great Revolution in 1927, when Qiu Jin, chairman of the Nanxiang peasant union in a certain county in Hunan, and Luo Dacheng, chairman of the Peasant Union, organized the peasant insistence on armed struggle and the plot to undermine the right opportunist line. The film was released by the majority of the audience’s welcome and praise. The episode “Farewell” in this film has impressed the people with its unique artistic charm. He and other good films on the same song, soon spread, as people love to sing love to listen to a song. The song “Farewell” is painful but not sad, sad and not hurt. It is full of reverence for the revolutionary leaders, full of resentment towards the right-opportunists’ betrayal of the revolution, full of longing for victory in the revolution, full of comrades-in-arms The pain. This intricate feeling is deeply intertwined and expresses the profound friendship between the revolutionary people and the comrades in arms toward the party. However, the “gang of four,” who endanger the country and disastrous people, carried out a frenzied siege on “fury.” Traitor Jiang Qing to “fury” added many unwarranted charges, nonsense “farewell”