Every year shopping malls engage in big promotions, many people will take the opportunity to collect a bunch of large packets of loot, always thought that the affordable, picked up cheaper. However, after “shopping”, many people have to regret again, regret not to impulse to buy back a pile of “pressure box bottom.” A brand that never engages in any activity engages in promotions forever and often attracts so many people to consume it. However, once it is found that it offers a lower discount than every other thing, it loses its buying interest. Buy a house is different from buying clothes, but some things are still the same. Low-cost buildings just when the market, many buyers still in the past can not buy the inertia of the room thinking, easy to cause the buyers attention. However, the more open the more low-cost disk, the low-cost buyers lose their freshness more and more critical natural, low-cost results will inevitably be discounted. If a regional real estate more open lower, can not see the end, the negative effect of the low price may be beyond the positive effect, no one is willing to buy goods may be discounted at any time, not to mention the valuable real estate products.