Units 3—4 Listening Practice

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  1. How will the weather be this weekend?
  A B C
  2. What is Tom’s favorite pet?
  A B C
  3. What is Betty doing?
  A B C
  4. When did Ted get up this morning?
  A B C
  5. What does Mary want to be in the future?
  A B C
  6. Who taught the girl to ride a bike?
  A. Her father. B. Her mother.
  C. Her brother.
  7. What will the girl do?
  A. Turn off the TV. B. Turn on the TV.
  C. Watch news.
  8. What will the girl do on Saturday?
  A. Watch a movie. B. Take dance classes.
  C. Take after-school classes.
  9. Why can’t Lisa answer the phone?
  A. She is away from home. B. She is sleeping.
  C. She is in the yard.
  10. How much should the man pay for his rooms?
  A. 300 yuan. B. 180 yuan.
  C. 120 yuan.
  11. Where is the new sports center?
  A. On Long Road. B. On Bridge Road.
  C. On Station Road.
  12. What did Tony play in the sports center last week?
  A. Volleyball and basketball.
  B. Table tennis and volleyball.
  C. Table tennis and basketball.
  13. When will Mary and Tony go to the sports center?
  A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Thursday.
  C. Next Friday.
  14. Why does Helen want to buy a gift for her father?
  A. For Father’s Day. B. For her father’s birthday.
  C. For Christmas Day.
  15. What does Helen’s father like?
  A. Playing football. B. Reading books.
  C. Taking photos.
  16. What will Helen buy for her father?
  A. A book and a camera. B. A book and a T-shirt.
  C. A camera and a T-shirt.
  17. What is John Brown?
  A. An office worker. B. A volunteer worker.
  C. An English teacher.
  18. How much did John Brown give away?
  A. $1,000,000. B. $100,000.
  C. $10,000.
  19. How old is John Brown now?
  A. 23. B. 30.
  C. 36.
  20. Where does the little girl come from?
  A. America. B. Africa.
  C. China.
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