全新一代奥迪R8曾于2015年上海车展进行了国内首发,时隔两年之后,进化为更高级别的奥迪R8 V10 plus敞篷版也终于来到了我们面前。除采用了全新的家族式外观设计外,新车还针对车身多处使用了碳纤维来进行轻量化处理,例如增加了碳纤维的后扰流板和更换了碳纤维的后发动机舱盖。此外,奥迪还为新车推出了特殊的绿色
The new generation of Audi R8 was held at the Shanghai Auto Show 2015, starting two years later, evolved into a higher level of the Audi R8 V10 plus convertible version has finally come to our front. In addition to the new family-style exterior design, the new car also uses carbon fiber to reduce the weight of the car body, such as the rear spoiler with carbon fiber and the rear engine hatch with carbon fiber. In addition, Audi also introduced a special green for the new car