However, three hundred years after Giotto began to end the post-Renaissanceist style of art, the viewing mode of Renaissance painting, which was fixed in a college-based way of teaching, lacks spirituality due to too much attention to imitation on the technical level Constantly breaking the upward spirit of the game, and slowly become the shackles of art. Because art is the creation of a free mind, all the laws are based on the observation of nature rather than blindly taking the achievements of the past as the object of imitation, thus virtually suppressing their own creation. This makes the viewing mode more The more the lack of inclusiveness culminated in the modern painting revolution in Cezanne. However, we can not deny the position and honor it earned for the artist from its inception. We must affirm that the new interpretations and definitions of human beings and human beings using the new concept are in fact affirming one’s own dignity and freedom.