2012年10月25日,著名导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆决定将《信息侦探》(The Informationist)一书搬上银幕。他此前的作品包括《魔鬼终结者》、《泰坦尼克号》、《阿凡达》等。《信息侦探》中的主角名叫瓦内萨·迈克尔·门罗,她是一名信息侦探。政府机关或公司雇用她前往国外搜集、整理那些与头面人物相关的重要的信息,以供未来之用。该书讲述了一位美国石油大亨要求瓦内萨去寻找他那在非洲旅行时失踪的女儿的故事。面对这项曾有很多人付出努力、却无一例外都以失败告终的任务,她追寻线索,横跨三
On October 25, 2012, the famous director James Cameron decided to bring the book The Informationist to the screen. His previous works include “The Terminator”, “Titanic”, “Avatar” and so on. “Detective” in the protagonist named Vanessa Michael Monroe, she is an information detective. A government agency or company hired her to go abroad to collect and organize important information that is relevant to the best people for future use. The book tells the story of a U.S. oil tycoon asking Vanessa to look for his missing daughter while traveling in Africa. In the face of the task that many people have worked hard to accomplish without any exception, she pursues clues across three