Mike Coury,阳光帅气的美国大男孩。2008年加盟苏外,担任ICE和AP课程的数学教学,教学主管兼校长助理。2014年1月,Mike放弃回美国读博士的机会,留在苏外,续写他的中国梦。Bess Lyn May,新加坡资深小学教师。7年的敬业,7年的奉献为Bess老师赢得了学生的敬爱、家长的尊重和学校的褒奖。2013年,Bess老师荣获江苏省外国专家局颁发的“我最喜爱的外教”称号。Nathan Pelton,风趣幽默,学识广博。学生最爱上他的Drama和Art课。周末、节假日苏州的公益活动少不了他的身影。他们都来自苏外外教团队。这里有
Mike Coury, a sunshine handsome American boy. Joined the Soviet Union in 2008, as ICE and AP courses in mathematics teaching, teaching director and assistant principal. In January 2014, Mike gave up the chance to return to the United States for a doctoral degree and stayed outside of the Soviet Union, continuing his Chinese dream. Bess Lyn May, Senior Primary School Teacher in Singapore. Seven years of devotion and seven years of devotion have earned Bess’s dear student dedication, parental respect and school testimonials. In 2013, Bess was awarded the title of “My Favorite Teacher” by the Foreign Experts Bureau of Jiangsu Province. Nathan Pelton, humorous, knowledgeable. Students love most of his Drama and Art classes. Weekends, holidays, public service activities, ultimately, his presence in Suzhou. They are all from the foreign ministry team in Su. here has