
来源 :公安学刊(浙江公安高等专科学校学报) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zgr2020
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社会主义新农村建设的基本内涵表明,“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”,既是新农村建设的理想,也是新农村建设的实践,既是目标与过程的统一,又是理想与现实的结合。切实加强新农村建设中的治安防范与控制工作,创建良好的农村社会治安环境,对于促进农村地区的和谐稳定,具有极其重要的现实意义。围绕新农村建设的基本内涵,创建社会主义新农村良好社会治安环境的原则,一要坚持依法治乡(村);二要坚持统筹推进;三要坚持做强主力;四要坚持城乡互动。在新农村建设中创造良好社会治安环境,一要全面规划农村平安建设进程;二要全面推广落实新时期“枫桥经验”;三要全面开展农村突出治安问题整治;四要全面构筑农村地区动态治安防控体系;五要全面变革农村警务运行机制。 The basic connotation of building a new socialist countryside shows that “production development, well-off life, civilized rural areas, clean and tidy villages, and democratic management” are both ideals of building a new socialist countryside and the practice of building a new socialist countryside. They are not only the unification of the goal and the process, It is also the combination of ideal and reality. To effectively strengthen the prevention and control of public security in the new countryside construction and to create a sound public order environment in rural areas are of extremely important practical significance for promoting the harmony and stability in rural areas. The basic connotation of building a new socialist countryside and the principle of creating a good social order and environment for a new socialist countryside are as follows: First, we must adhere to the principle of administering the countryside in accordance with the law; second, we must uphold the principle of making co-ordination and promotion; third, we must adhere to the principle of strengthening the city; In the new rural construction to create a good social and security environment, we must comprehensively plan the process of rural security construction; Second, we must comprehensively promote the implementation of the new era “Maple Bridge experience”; Third, we must comprehensively carry out the prominent problems in rural areas rectification; Fourth, we must fully construct the dynamics of rural areas Public order prevention and control system; Fifth, comprehensively reform the rural police operation mechanism.