糖尿病患者血小板的粘附性增加,对各种能引起血小板聚集的因子的敏感性也增高.作者的研究发现,糖尿病患者血清中与因子Ⅷ密切关连的 vonWillebrand 因子(简称 V-W 因子)和因子Ⅷ抗原的浓度显著增高,而因子Ⅷ促凝血活力的浓度无改变。(若以 O 代表凝血活力,A 代表抗原性,则正常因子Ⅷ的 O/A=1,若<1常说明有凝血发生.——译者注)糖尿病患者的 V-W 因子及 A 增多而 O 减少,说明有血管内凝血,或这些因子的生成或破坏不平衡.在血小板聚集问题上,作者从血浆因素及血小板因素
Diabetic patients with increased platelet adhesion, a variety of factors that can cause platelet aggregation also increased the sensitivity of the study found that the serum of patients with diabetes is closely related to factor vonWillebrand factor (referred to as VW factor) and factor Ⅷ antigen The concentration of factor Ⅷ procoagulant activity was unchanged. (If O on behalf of clotting activity, A represents antigenicity, the normal factor Ⅷ O / A = 1, if <1 often shows the occurrence of coagulation .-- Translator’s Note) Diabetic patients with VW factor and A increased and O decreased , Indicating intravascular coagulation, or imbalance in the formation or destruction of these factors in the platelet aggregation issue, the author from the plasma and platelet factors