1999年 4月 ,日本的一列磁悬浮列车在山梨试验线上进行试验时创下了 552km/h的新的世界记录。这是一列由 5节车组成的试验型列车 ,车上载有 13名乘客。在山梨线的TakagawaTunnel的 16km区段曾两次达到了 552km/h的最高运行速度 ,每次保持这一速度的持续
In April 1999, a series of maglev trains in Japan set a new world record of 552km / h when tested on the Yamanashi test line. It is a pilot train consisting of five cars carrying 13 passengers. The highest speed of 552km / h has been achieved twice in the 16km section of Takagawa-Tunnel on the Yamanashi Line, maintaining this speed each time