以芦丁为参照品比较了可见光及紫外分光光度法测定溪黄草总黄酮的方法。在可见光分光光度法中,硝酸铝作显色剂,测量波长为510 nm。紫外分光光度法,测量波长为359 nm。结果表明,紫外分光光度法是一种较理想的测定方法。
The method of visible light and ultraviolet spectrophotometry for the determination of total flavonoids in Scutellaria barbatae was compared with rutin. In the visible spectrophotometric method, aluminum nitrate is used as a coloring agent and the measurement wavelength is 510 nm. Ultraviolet spectrophotometry with a measuring wavelength of 359 nm. The results show that UV spectrophotometry is an ideal measurement method.