我在纽约市哥伦比亚长老会医疗中心尾随着Kenneth Greenspan医生,穿过一条条迷宫似的甬道。这样走来走去竟然代替了我每天早晨的散步。我跟着他走过宽阔的长廊,通过一道道跟两具担架大小相仿的走廊门,上上下下晕头转向地乘了一次又一次电梯。我忽而把头探进一间盥洗室那样大的房间,匆匆跟那些紧张地工作着的研究人员照个面;忽而停下听听医生询门病人的感觉,病人从病床上撑起来回答,身上缚着异乎寻常的训练和监听的器具;忽而走进计算机室作一些简短的笔记,那间计算机工作室看起来不象是装备着医疗器皿的房间,而更象一所民兵式导弹地下仓库的控制中心。
I followed Doctor Kenneth Greenspan at the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City across a maze-like corridor. This walk and walk instead of my daily walk. I followed him through the wide promenade and, by a corridor door of the same size as the two stretchers, swerved up and down the elevator again and again. Suddenly I darted into a large room in a bathroom, hurriedly shone with the nervously working researchers; when I stopped and listened to the doctor’s inquiries, the patient answered from the bed, his body bound With exotic training and listening devices; and suddenly walked into the computer room to make some brief notes, the computer studio did not look like a room equipped with medical utensils, but more like the control of a militia-type missile underground storehouse center.