建筑机械齿轮的损坏是常见的,如果损坏的齿轮一概换新,对于工种、设备不配套的建筑机械维修行业来说则需外协铸锻毛坯件,还要进行加工,不仅造成材料、人力的浪费,而且延长停修日期。根据轮齿的损坏形式及损坏的程度采用不同的方法进行修复,可将损坏的齿轮特别是较大的齿轮利用起来。 1焊补齿少量的轮齿部分缺损及齿面的人为严重损坏,如重物砸伤等。可通过电补焊的方法修复,补焊前应将损坏部位清理干净,补焊过程中要注意将其它部分保护好,要间断焊接,不能一次
The damage of gears of construction machinery is common. If the damaged gears are replaced completely, for the construction machinery maintenance industry where the types of work and equipment are not matched, external forging blanks need to be forged, and processing is also required, which not only causes material and manpower. Wasted, and extended the date of the repair. Different methods can be used to repair damaged gears and damage, depending on the type of damage and the degree of damage. The damaged gears, especially the larger gears, can be used. 1 A small amount of tooth defects in the welding tooth and serious human damage to the tooth surface, such as heavy injury. It can be repaired by electric welding. The damaged parts should be cleaned before repair welding. The other parts must be protected during the welding process. We must discontinuously weld and not once