中国画的继承和创新都必须以马列主义的观点和科学的治学态度为出发点。先学习优秀的传统,借古以开今,再深入生活底层,加强艺术实践,然后才可能创出新风格和新意境。 中国绘画,已有几千年悠久的历史,具有我们中华民族自己的传统和面貌。它有一整套完备的体系。在人类文化艺术宝库里,中国画闪烁着瑰丽多姿的光辉。它不仅为我国广大人民所热爱,也为世界各国人民所赏识,并对世界,特别对东方一些兄弟国家的美术有很大的影响;早已成为世界艺术的一个重要组成部分。在世界艺术之林,它占有独特的地位并享有崇高的声誉。它是我们中华民族的光荣,也是我们炎黄子孙的骄傲。 我致力于中国画的学习和研究已四十余年,今仅就中国画的续承和创新问题,提出一些浅见,以就正于同好和专家们。
The succession and innovation of Chinese painting must take Marxism-Leninism perspective and scientific attitude toward learning as the starting point. Learn first-hand the tradition of excellence, borrow ancient times to get started, go deeper into the bottom of your life and strengthen artistic practice before you can create new styles and new artistic conceptions. Chinese painting has a long history of thousands of years and has our own Chinese tradition and appearance. It has a complete system. In the treasure house of human culture and art, Chinese painting glitters with magnificence and beauty. It is not only loved by the vast majority of our people but also appreciated by the people of all countries in the world and has a great influence on the world and in particular the fine arts of some fraternal countries in the East. It has long become an important part of world art. In the world of art, it occupies a unique position and enjoys a high reputation. It is the honor of our Chinese nation and the pride of our descendants. I have devoted more than 40 years of studying and researching Chinese painting. I just made some humble opinions on the inheritance and innovation of Chinese painting today, just as my colleagues and experts.